CBD: Your path to a better life.

Write For Us

Write for Us

At Barrel Hemp, we strive to provide our readers with high-quality content about CBD, hemp, and the cannabis industry. We are always on the lookout for talented writers who share our passion for natural remedies and sustainable living.

If you have expertise in any of the following areas, we’d love to hear from you:

CBD products and their benefits
Hemp farming and agriculture
Cannabis research and science
Industry news and trends
Lifestyle and wellness
Why write for Barrel Hemp?

Writing for Barrel Hemp gives you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with our readers while also building your own personal brand. By contributing to our blog, you can:

Reach a wider audience of like-minded individuals
Establish yourself as an authority in the CBD and hemp industry
Gain exposure for your own website or blog
Receive compensation for your work
What we’re looking for

We’re looking for articles that are well-researched, informative, and engaging. Our readers are looking for accurate information about CBD and hemp that they can trust.

When submitting an article to Barrel Hemp, please keep the following guidelines in mind:

Articles should be at least 1000 words in length
Articles should be well-researched and provide value to our readers
Articles should be original and not published elsewhere
Articles should be written in a professional tone and free of grammatical errors
Articles should be accompanied by relevant images or graphics
How to submit your article

If you’d like to contribute to Barrel Hemp, please send an email to [insert email address] with the following information:

Your name and a brief bio
Your website or blog (if applicable)
Your article topic and a brief summary
A writing sample or link to your previous work (if available)
We’ll review your submission and get back to you within two weeks. If your article is accepted, we’ll provide further instructions on formatting and payment.

Thank you for your interest in writing for Barrel Hemp! We look forward to hearing from you.